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Technoroid: Overmind wcoforever

Technoroid: Overmind 

 Score 5.50
 Alt: テクノロイド OVERMIND
 Rating: None
 Year: 2023
 Status: Completed
 More Info: MAL | SIMKL
 Genres: Sci-Fi Music

technoroid-overmind (1)

WCOForever providing STechnoroid: Overmind,  Due to rising sea levels as well as a decreasing human population Androids are designed to carry out the most basic tasks and allow humans to concentrate on other tasks. In addition to offering manual labor and customer service, androids entertain us with Babel, a tower where people can captivate crowds by performing dance and songs in order to get through Climb Stages. The higher the climbing the higher the prize is given away. The Androids Cobalt, Chrom, Neon and Kei are struggling with their luck and are about to lose their power because of non-paid charges. Determined to make an easy buck they decide to transform into Babel climbers.

However, winning the crowd’s support is an enormous challenge. In despair, but determined not to quit, Cobalt resolves to somehow increase their chances of success after having watched the impressive performances of STAND-ALONE, the most prestigious climber group. When the team stumbles upon an unknown choreographer who’s willing to share their routine Cobalt considers it to be the only way to climb. With the assistance of their human friend, Esora Shibaura, the androids join together as KNoCC to take on the difficult climb to the summit of Babel however, they also have to overcome the any discrimination based on androids.

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